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Conflict Resolution Working Group

A working group of Gravitons who implement Gravity and provide education and support around conscious communication, empathic listening, and issue revelation and alleviation.

We aim to bring people together and promote resilience in the Giveth DAO by training our members in non-violent communication, understanding and analyzing conflict and techniques to manage it (internally, individually and collectively). The mission is to help build a culture of wellbeing and high vibes, while also pointing out clear steps to strategically manage disputes whenever they arise.

What is Gravity?

Gravity aims to establish a culture of voluntary compliance around Giveth’s Community Covenant, Code of Conduct, and Community Communications Guide. It proposes the recognition and application of conflict management mechanisms to shape harmonious interactions between the members of its community.

What is a Giveth Graviton?

  • Someone enthusiastic about conscious communication, conflict resolution, authentic relating and connection
  • Has completed Gravity’s Graviton training
  • Contributes to the Giveth Conflict Resolution working group
  • A point of contact for reporting conflicts in Giveth
  • Gathers information to develop cases and activities
  • Delegates conflict mediation cases to other Gravitons
  • Provides inter-Graviton support
  • Promotes conscious communication strategies for Gravity & Giveth
  • Fosters Gravity from their active participation in other working groups within Giveth

Who are the Giveth Gravitons?

@Forest Soleil is leading the Conflict Resolution working group at Giveth with support from @Juan Carlos Bell Llinás and @bends#3537 at Gravity.

Trained & Actively contributing—

Forest (Active Graviton; Conflict Mediator)

Ben (Gravity Support)

Juanka (Active Graviton; Conflict Mediator; Gravity Support)

Givethers who also completed the Graviton training—






Next Graviton Training: Begins 2nd week of April 2022

👉🏼 DM @Juan Carlos Bell Llinás if you are interested in joining.

The training is offered 2 times a year with the intention to form Gravitons - the team of individuals equipped with knowledge and social tooling to address and mediate emerging conflicts or any uncomfortable situations in the best way possible.

Main Actions

  • Everyone in the community can fill the Gravity typeform (currently utilizing the Gravity form, but plan to create a unique one for Giveth) or approach any of the Gravitons to request support for conflicts and any sort of uncomfortable or undesired situations.
  • In case of conflict, Gravitons can approach the parties involved to collect information on the issues.
  • Gravitons can take actions to regulate unwanted behavior according to the graduated sanctions (Giveth Conflict Resolution Working Group is currently utilizing TEC Gravity’s graduated sanctions while concurrently meeting to adapt our own).
  • All community members can propose new methodologies to approach graduated sanctions and mutual monitoring as well as upgrade current ones through Advice Process and Forum Voting.
  • Gravitons can submit conflicts or issues to the Gravity Registry, that is a database of the cases managed by Gravity.
  • Conflict resolution calls and chats are closed to Gravitons and parties involved to respect privacy and vulnerability.
  • The Giveth Conflict Resolution working group can facilitate safe spaces, skills up leveling workshops, and collaborate with TEC’s Gravity working group to host training and capacitate individuals to become Gravitons.
    • The Gravity training is free and open for all.
  • Gravity can remove proposals from all the voting categories if they receive flags and/or are seen as harmful for the community based on our rules, boundaries, T&C’s, Community Covenant, Code of Conduct, and Community Communications Guide.

What actions or outcomes are required or encouraged?

  • All members should be aware of the guidelines for scale of conflict and graduated sanctions.
  • All members should commit to respect the protocol for Giveth Meetings.
  • Gravitons should comply to Giveth’s Community Covenant, Code of Conduct, and Community Communications Guide and the additional Graviton Code of Conduct.
  • Gravitons should accept cases based on their competence and communicate to the Conflict Resolution working group if they don’t feel capable of handling an issue.
  • Gravitons should promote trust and good relationships between the community.
  • It is required to complete the Graviton Training successfully to become a Graviton.
  • Gravitons should update the Gravity Registry with the information of possible agreements or the final resolutions.
  • All members should respect the arrangements made about the situations issued.

What actions or outcomes are discouraged?

  • Violating the agreements stated in this working group’s documentation on this page.
  • Violating the requirements for the Graviton Role (Any member can monitor Gravitons actions and report to other Gravitons, fill in the typeform, or contact community stewards.)