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Contracts, Bridges and Multisigs Technical Information

Giveth Trace resmi olarak operasyonlarına son verdi. 5 yıllık sonra düzenli servisimiz sonunda, bütün giveth ve platformu, servisi ve ürünleri tamamen ya taşındı. Rinkeby networkün durması ve düşük kullanım sebebiyle Giveth DAO orjinal aplikasyonu 2022 i nin 3. çeyreği itibariyle durdurma kararı aldı. Trace kodu hala açık kaynak ve hep öyle kalıcak, givethin github reposundan koda ulaşabilirsiniz.

Bu döküman tarihsel referans olarak ulaşılabilir olucak.

Bu makalenin tercümesi yapılmamıştır ve yalnızca orijinal İngilizce haliyle mevcuttur. Bu makalenin tercümesinde bize yardımcı olmak isterseniz açık kaynaklı repository'den çevirinizi gönderebilir veya Discord sunucumuzdan bizimle iletişime geçebilirsiniz.


  • GivethBridge on Mainnet
  • ForeignGivethBridge on Rinkeby
  • LiquidPledging contracts on Rinkeby
  • Escapable contracts to Mainnet for each contract on Rinkeby

Mainnet multisigs:

Rinkeby multisigs:

Contract Roles/params:


  • GivethBridge: 0x30f938fED5dE6e06a9A7Cd2Ac3517131C317B1E7
    • Owns the bridge.
    • Receives and deals with donations.
    • Can cancel payments in the bridge.
    • Can pause and unpause the bridge.
    • Add tokens to whitelist.
    • Can change the max security guard delay.
    • Can change the security guard.
    • Can change the 2 day time lock in the bridge.
    • Can change the escape hatch caller.
    • Can remove/change ownership.
    • Can call the escapeHatch(address _token) in an emergency to move all the money out of the bridge for the specified token.
    • Can call escapeFunds(address _token, uint _amount) to move some of the money out of the bridge to be extra cautious.
    • Has all the powers needed to decentralize the bridge.
  • Giveth Overflow: 0x16fda2fcc887dd7ac65c46be144473067cff8654
    • Receives overflow/escaped funds from the bridge.
    • Sends funds back to the bridge when funds get low using depositEscapedFunds().
  • EscapeHatch Caller: 0x1e9f6746147e937e8e1c29180e15af0bd5fd64bb
    • Can call the escapeHatch(address _token) in an emergency to move all the money out of the bridge for the specified token.
    • Can call escapeFunds(address _token, uint _amount) to move some of the money out of the bridge to be extra cautious.
  • SecurityGuard: 0xDAa172456F5815256831aeE19C8A370a83522871
    • MaxSecurityGuardDelay: 1 month


Liquid Pledging Contracts (Rinkeby)

NOTE: All escapeHatches for liquidPledging contracts (not bridge) have been replaced with the recoveryVault functionality of AragonOS. We will register 1 recoveryVault (Giveth Multisig on Rinkeby) in the kernel and all app will be “escapable” to that vault.

Wallet Funding Account: 0xf94230D278b36a29fD1363Bd57D12AEb8b8D426B