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Installing for Local Development

This guide will document the steps to set up and run locally for the purposes of development. The setup process was documented using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

You'll need a couple prerequisites to get started.

  • Redis
  • Postgres
  • Node 14+
  • yarn
  • npm
  • Your favourite Code Editor (VScode for linting presets)

Giveth IO leverages notable packages, applications and architectures including:

  • Ethereum
  • React
  • NextJS
  • Apollo GraphQL
  • theme-ui

Install the back-end (impact-graph) from GitHub

In order to develop locally you need to clone the back-end server. We are using for this.

via SSH on the CLI:

    git clone
cd impact-graph
npm i
cp .env.example .env

Create a Database and User in Postgres using psql

Follow this tutorial on PSQL to setup your username and create the database.


sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# create database <databaseName>;
postgres=# create user <userName> with encrypted password '<passwordHere>';
postgres=# grant all privileges on database <databaseName> to <userName>;

Clone and Install the Frontend

Head on over to, and clone the repo.

via SSH on the CLI:

git clone
cd giveth-next
yarn install

Get the Environment Variables

In order to run the local build for you'll need to ask for the environment variables. Head on over to our Contributors Discord, say Hi and get in touch with our product manager, @MoeNick or one of the developers.

Launch the Development Server and Environment

Start up the impact-graph backend server and redis.

  • Run redis by using the command redis-server.
  • From the impact-graph repo start with npm start.

Using the Staging Database for Development

If you don't need to setup a local database for your development purposes you can use the staging database instead. Set NEXT_PUBLIC_APOLLO_SERVER to (this uses the same database you see on

Run the Migrations to Setup the Database

In a separate terminal cd into the impact-graph run this command in the terminal:

npm run typeorm:cli -- migration:run

Deploy the Front-end

To take advantage of linting presets, please use VSCODE:

  • Select File -> Open Workspace.
  • Navigate into the giveth-next directory.
  • Open the workspace file giveth2-full-stack.code-workspace.
  • Install recommended extensions (Prettier and StandardJS plugins).
  • Then fire up the front-end locally.
yarn run dev

Start Editing!

Open up the giveth-next repo on your code editor. is now running locally at http://localhost:8000!

Giveth Running Locally

You can also expiremnt with querying your data via GraphQL. You'll find it at this link here: http://localhost:8000/___graphql Learn more about using this tool in the Gatsby tutorial.

Save your changes, and the browser will update in real time!

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